BWAS welcome submissions for our annual transactions. These can be short papers to be included in volume of individual papers, or for much longer reports we are happy to discuss publishing a full themed issue. Providing some grant support to publish in the BWAS Transactions is a requirement for funded projects (e.g. developer-funded or research council funded).

Submission guidelines

Please contact the editor,Dr Della Hooke (via, before submitting your manuscript for the Transactions. Copies should then be sent electronically with two additional paper copies. All papers are refereed.

Authors are requested to submit only finished articles. Ensure that the author’s name and address is clearly given; wherever possible, authors should supply an email address. Final papers will need to be submitted by email and textual material should be supplied in Word for Windows format with the minimum of inbuilt commands. Illustrations (including plates) should be sent separately as jpgs or as hard copy – and will finally be required on a CD ROM or via Dropbox at 600DPI resolution, preferably in in TIF format, but high quality black and white prints are acceptable.

Style guide

Authors should endeavor to follow the CBA style of spelling, punctuation and reference system specified below. Authors are recommended to look at recent volumes of the journal for guidance.

Headings: a hierarchy of 4 heading styles may be used – capitals, lower case, small capitals and italics. No others below this can be considered.

Quotations: to be enclosed in single inverted commas; double inverted commas reserved for quotations within quotations. Normally, lengthy quotations will be inset in smaller print, without inverted commas, followed by reference.

Dates: to be given in form 20 April 1946, the era being cited as ‘32 BC’ or ‘AD 63’.

Numbers: figures should be used for measurement, e.g. 600m (metres,) but time and figures under 20 should be expressed in words.

Tables: the size of the printed page and its maximum capacity should be borne in mind when preparing graphs, tables and line illustrations. Tables should be numbered in Arabic and not Roman numerals (e.g. ‘Table 9’).

Illustrations: Line drawings must reach professional standards. The final size of the illustration must be borne in mind when designing lettering etc. Photographs are welcome but must be of good quality, in black and white only. Captions for illustrations must be included with the article. Figures, as submitted, should not exceed A4 format (see above).

Endnotes: footnotes are not acceptable but endnotes may be used where essential. They should be kept to a minimum.

References: references must be presented in the Harvard system, i.e. in brackets in the text (e.g. Collingwood & Myers 1969, 133–53), with a bibliography giving authors’ names and dates of publication, with page references unless the reference encompasses the entire work. In the bibliography, full page numbers of each article cited must be given. References should be in alphabetical order by authors’ surnames with each author’s earlier works given first.


Books (titles with first letters in capitals except for secondary titles)

Hooke, D, 1985 The Anglo-Saxon landscape: the kingdom of the Hwicce, Manchester.
Lobel, M D (ed), 1975 The atlas of historic towns, London.
VCH Warks IV, 1947 The Victoria History of the county of Warwick, Vol IV, ed L F Salzman, London.

Chapters in books

Woodward, A, 2000 Late Iron Age pottery, in Palmer, S, ‘Archaeological excavations in the Arrow Valley, Warwickshire’, Transactions 103, 58.

References to publications with the same author’s name and date of publication should be distinguished in citations and in the bibliography by the use of alphabetical suffixes, e.g. P. Smith 1956a.

Unpublished theses to be quoted as papers: unpubl Univ …

Published archaeological reports should be cited where available. When unpublished fieldwork reports (“grey literature”) that are in the Archaeology Data Service are cited, the ADS URL for the report and the DOI must be included in the bibliography.

PROOF CHECKING: This is the responsibility of the author. Corrections must be restricted to what is absolutely essential.

OFFPRINTS: Offprints are no longer provided but contributors will receive a PDF  of their articles without charge.

GRANTS: Grants towards the cost of publication are always welcome. All publications of developer-led projects should be fully funded.

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