The excursion to Abbey fields, Kenilworth will start at 1pm on Saturday 5th May 2018 meeting at the Abbey Ruins located in Abbey Fields about 150 meters from Bridge Street. The guided Tour will be given by Jan Cooper, Chair of Kenilworth Heritage and Archaeological Society.

The guided tour will then continue by walking the short distance to visit the historic barn which is now home to the Kenilworth Barn Museum and Heritage Centre.   Members will have the chance to learn more about the history of the abbey where an interpretation of Kenilworth Priory (later Abbey) with some beautifully carved and decorated stones and tiles on display which have been found during excavations of the site.

The tour will take approximately 2 hours. The excursion is £5 per person to members and includes a donation to KHAS. Advanced booking required.

Download a booking form here

Kenilworth Abbey and Old Barn Museum

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