Lecture Programme 2021 – 22

Tuesday 2nd March 2021 at 7pm Speaker: George Demidowicz Anyone walking the Malvern ridge can’t fail to notice the massive bank and ditch called the Red Earl’s ditch or the Shire Ditch that is your constant companion. Having moved to
Our forthcoming lecture series will take place at the following venues. Evening lectures in Birmingham (October & December 2019, February, March & April 2020) Will now take place at The Priory Rooms,Quaker Meeting House, 40 Bull Street, Birmingham, B4 6AF
Lecture Programme for 2019/20 NOTE NEW VENUES FOR LECTURES Evening lectures are now being held at The Priory Rooms, Quaker Meeting House, 40 Bull Street, Birmingham, B4 6AF. Except for that on November 5th which will be held at St
7pm Tuesday 2nd October 2018 Speaker: Richard Bradley Excavation and watching-brief work by Worcestershire Archaeology over a number of years of quarry extraction has identified multiple phases of activity, mainly of prehistoric date. This has included well-preserved palaeoenvironmental deposits, Mesolithic
7pm Tuesday 6th November 2018 Speaker: Nigel Page An archaeological excavation was carried out on land at Whitley South, Baginton, Warwickshire in 2017, on high ground overlooking the River Sowe and Coventry to the North. The excavation revealed a series
AGM Night Tuesday 4th December 2018 6.45pm Speaker: Nick Daffern The West Midlands is often overlooked in favour of the east and south-east of England but this talk aims to show that the West Midlands has an incredibly important part
ANNUAL LUNCHTIME LECTURE Tuesday 8th January 2019 at 1pm Speaker Robert Early The north section of HS2 spans 87 km, and forks into Birmingham. The whole project is the largest historic environment project undertaken in the UK and as such
Tuesday 5th February 2019 at 7pm Speaker: Dr. Jim Andrew In 2019 we shall be commemorating the life of James Watt who died in Birmingham 200 years ago on 25th August 1819. Watt was born in 1736 and grew up